Personal Hygiene Assistant

I am in a humorous mood today. In the mood for laughing. Probably because I'm getting over my 2 week cold, or maybe....maybe just because. 

I made this video for a creative writing class about a year ago (don't ask). My sister "starred" in most of the video and my mother narrated the entire thing. I, of course, was the Personal Hygiene Assistant with the wicked awesome mustache. (: 
It was fun making this video. Even though it was nowhere near being perfect, but hey, creating a hilarious video is much harder than it looks. Okay, maybe not.

 P.S My mom is pregnant with identical twin boys! Talk about excitement!


  1. You are officially my best friend. I watched this about three times, and cracked up each time. Hahaha, I love it. :))) Hahahaha.

    Aw, congrats to ya'll! :)) You have a big family! I love it. Big families are the best. :))

  2. Really! O.o That IS exciting.

  3. wow that is so exciting! congratulations! :D and i remember me and my cousin going through the "mad scientist" stage.we had so much fun coming up with all kinds of weird concoctions in the kitchen... :)

  4. Hey, are you still blogging these days? :)


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