
>>i've been thinking of making an intro post for a few days now; i know it isn't the first post on this blog, but <someone> recommended that i should make one. so here i am<<

at first, i didn't even know what a blog was supposed to be about, what it was for.  sadly, i still don't really know. my idea of a blog is a bit like an online journal, except the whole world can read it. it's a place where you can share your thoughts about anything and everything.
my blog for instance, is going to be about my dreams, my passions, my interests, my hopes, what i want to be in life and what i want from life, the adventures i hope to have and the adventures i will have.

>>>i am merely a girl who loves to laugh until my lungs hurt and goof around a lot. i drink tea like there's no tomorrow and i have an immense interest in foreign accents. -especially British and Irish.
 i dream of being a bestselling author- okay, i fantasize about being on a talk show speaking about my bestselling novel and the bookshelves are being raided by eager readers, leaving them empty. in fact, i'm currently working on my first novel, aspiring to get it finished sometime this summer.
i wish to travel the world someday, writing about my adventures.
i want to be a photojournalist. [and an author, a marine biologist, a photographer, a poet, a teacher, and a anthropologist]  i am still very undecided about what career to choose, so i just might pick them all. *smiles*
reading has sort of become a habit of mine. i love to jump into my mom's bed and read to her and my siblings.  i stay up very late to read sometimes, sacrificing precious sleep to see what happens to a beloved character.
my journal is like my little papery friend. i tell it everything and it keeps its lips closed---no matter what.
i love scrumptious food and i love to bake. especially with my mother. some of my favorite times with her have been in the kitchen. <3
i promise to be nothing other than myself and make myself the best i can be.
this life is a great adventure and i can't wait to see how it ends.

>>>i invite you to come join me for tea and cookies. we'll sit out on the patio in our bare feet and have a lovely talk whilst the birds chirp<<<


  1. very nice post! this shows the real writing talent you have :) i'll be heading your way soon, with shoes abandoned and a strong tea & cookie appetite ;D

  2. Thank you! I'll go get the water boiling.

  3. hey, just found your blog.:) now following! love the name of your blog, it's awesome!


  4. I love your new design (: This is a great intro! I love tea!!!

  5. WOW! Awesome new look, Kate - I am pretty sure this is way different than the last time I was here, but it is great-looking. Good job! =)

  6. " i dream of being a bestselling author- okay, i fantasize about being on a talk show speaking about my bestselling novel and the bookshelves are being raided by eager readers, leaving them empty. in fact, i'm currently working on my first novel, aspiring to get it finished sometime this summer. "

    Zohmygosh. Are we long lost cousins or something? I do this ALL of the time... and I plan on finishing my first novel this summer, too. *highfivers* What'cha writin' about?

  7. You have a really nice blog!! Beautiful photos. I've been reading your posts, and you're a great writer!

    PS I devour books too. And write. Sacrificing sleeping to read about those beloved characters? I know exactly what you mean!


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