Snow Finally Arrived!

I am so glad to announce that Snow arrived at my home on Monday. (AKA: Martin Luther King Day.)
I was very happy and excited when I woke up and looked out the window, I felt just like a little child on Christmas morning. :) There's something about a snow shrouded world that seems magical. Everything appears clean and new. It's simply beautiful.
As the snow fell several times that day, I had the sudden compulsion to go twirl around in it. I almost couldn't restrain myself.
There wasn't school for my siblings, so as soon as we woke up, we got ready and went outside. I loved seeing their expressions at the sight of the snow.
I, of course, grabbed my camera and started snapping photos right away.

There are these two thorny bushes in our backyard with red berries on them and I hadn't ever noticed how pretty they looked until snow had fallen over them. 

Initially I had thought they were just ugly, thorny brown bushes. But their beauty became apparent when the snow came. (I'll never judge a plant again.)

Keaton and I had a minor snowball fight before he became cold and wanted to come into the house.

The snowsuit was a bit big for him, but he outgrew his last one. Keaton is adorable. :)

Our neighborhood looked really awesome. I wished I had gone out there before the cars had left tire tracks in the snow.
<Cats love snow too!>

Mia and I created a snowman (or snowboy) in the front yard. He looked kind of creepy, but I didn't intend for him to turn out that way.
Mia wanted him to have huge rock eyes, so I smacked 2 huge rocks into his face. She chose all of the features except for the teeth. I chose those. And that could be the creepy factor on my part. I thought he looked cute and a bit alien like at first, but now I'm not so sure.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun on our snow day and I hope some more arrives soon. I'm not ready for winter to end. Not yet. (In fact, I wrote a poem on that subject.) 
I started Drivers Ed this week, so I am going to be more busy than usual, studying, testing, driving, more studying and finally, reading. 
~Happy Saturday!~


  1. Aww, this made me want to receive snow so badly. We have yet to have some. So may I just say... I am utterly jealous. :)) Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous. I love your snowboy, even if he has creepy teeth. ;) Lovely blog, Dear! :))


  2. you lucky!
    and following by GFC is just the regular follower box on my sidebar. you already follow :)
    -jocee <3


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